Post by Bill GOn Mon, 11 Apr 2005 07:40:11 -0400, Traveller
Post by TravellerI've done some online searching and in my Vegas Video 4 manual but
I'm not getting any results. I know it must be because I'm not
searching for the right thing. It's something you see a on TV or in
movies occasionally, when the camera has a shot of the main subject
and lots of surrounding people, etc., but the camera focuses on the
subject and the rest of the screen goes out of focus so that we
really only see the main subject.
What is this called, anyone know? Once I know what this is called,
I'm sure I'll find a tutorial or two on the net on how to create this
Others have pointed you to 'depth of field', which applies more during
the time of shooting, but since you want to do this in VV4 I would
look for something like Filter, Mask, or Video Overlay. I don't know
the actual steps, but you might be able to make a full-screen blur
mask with a circular hole in it, and then position the mask so that
your subject can be seen through the hole. If you're working with a
long video sequence, repositioning the mask might be a pain but you'd
probably only move it every X frames so that it seems to follow your
The effect to use is called Cookie Cutter.
Place 2 copies of your clip on the timeline, one under the other.
On the lower track, click the Event FX icon and select "Gaussian Blur".
Select "medium blur" in the Preset box. You'll go back and adjust this later
so don't worry about it being too blurry right now.
On the upper track, click the Event FX icon and select "cookie cutter".
Select "circle center" in the preset box, "circle" (or other effect as
desired) in the shape box and "cut away all but section" in the method box.
Increase the "border" size until you can see it. You'll only use this to
help with positioning. Afterwards, drop it back down to 0. Adjust the
other parameters (feather, border and center) and move the little square in
the white box to the left of the settings windows to position the circle as
Now go back to the upper track and adjust the blur to the desired level. If
you want the blur effect to fade in over time, you'll need to add key frames
(the timeline at the bottom of the Video Event FX window) to the effect.
Simply set the blur amount to 0 at the beginning, move the cursor to the
point that you want the blur to be fully in, create a new keyframe and enter
the new blur amount. That should be it.
BTW, there are a number of excellent Vegas forums around to learn a lot
Creative Cow:
DV Info:
And also check out: (check out the "Resources" page here)
Excellent set of free (pdf) newsletters at
Very comprehensive site at
Happy reading.